Saturday, November 7, 2009

About the Live and Learn Blog

Why the name Live and Learn? As I was growing up, one of the phrases that adults used whenever things turned out differently than they planned was, "Well, you live and learn". I suppose this was a positive way to bring closure to any minor failures that happened from time to time. To me it was also a reminder of how much we all learn as we go about our daily living. This is probably why I love information, books, sites, blogs and discussions that provide how-to tips or background information for my current interests, challenges or projects.

Photo by shoothead

Whether you are a novice or pro, you can always pick up some new techniques by reading, watching, or discussing relevant information. Curiosity and communication are the jet fuel of learning. So Live and Learn is a blog about communication skills and self-learning that occurs in our daily life - assuming we choose to make it happen.

Who is this blog for? It is aimed at readers who appreciate learning through finding and applying information, by reflecting, and following their curiosity. The goal is to share information related to self-learning, literacy, and communication skills.

What types of posts will be found here? Some posts will highlight reports on literacy in Canada; others will provide tips for building skills to use in the workplace or home. Here are some theoretical example that will give you an idea of the content areas:
  • Try this new approach to improve your slide presentations - less is more!
  • How you can use the results of recent Canadian literacy surveys
  • How blogging can improve your self-learning skills
  • How listening is the key to successful negotiations
  • How "taking a leap" helped these folks land some amazing life changes
This listing is intended to give you a general idea. Of course the site will evolve based on current trends and posted comments.

I hope you'll join in as we "live and learn".

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